An Inconspicuous Eden for a Conspicious Artist
by Oldřich Starý
first sight, the Sutnar House does not capture your attention by any
extraordinary, unique or especially characteristic features. Purely and simply,
it seems a little like a cube stick in a hill (no offence). However, when you take
a little more attentive look at this inconspicuous building, in a while, you
will be surprised how interesting story the exterior tells and how much it
reveals about the interior without crossing the doorsill.
you look at the house from the front and perceive it in a very simple way, the
first thing that hits you is a mass carried on columns, lit and sticking out
from the terrain. That is actually the living part, ,,showpiece” of the
building, which has to be exhibited. However, the servant part – suterrain -
stays hidden in the backside, behind the columns and in the dark, a little
disclaimed. This was my first impression from the house and I tried to
represent it by a very simple sketch.
composition of windows on the facade reveals really a lot about the inner
distinction. It is clear that the left
part, with four symmetrically placed horizontal windows, giving the impression
of openness and hospitality, does not have the same function as the right one,
where the only feature is a small narrow window situated in the left corner, so
it is probably intended to provide some
I sketched
the two parts separated to see what happens. The left part seems to be
self-contained, balanced and dauntless, but also uninteresting and boring. The right
part looks like a child who lost its mum and it leans towards the living part, but
it has its own fresh design.
Also the
back side did not remain silent. Although the entrance is basically not very
opulent, it gives me an impression of a quidepost – it is a cluster of diverse
little windows under a shelter, which gives us a hint what will be going on
The following relief represents the development of the entrance: from situating doors, through giving it a sense by placing windows, to completing it by a shelter, which makes it hospitable. (photos by Matěj Hartl)
I would sum this up by the quote from my favorite book.
,,The beauty follows more likely from harmonious relations between elements of
a composition than from elements themselves.”
Frederick: 101 Things I Learned in Architecture school)
Volume model fitting in terrain, functional distinction
As I have already mentioned before, The Sutnar House is
a building of cubic shape set in a steep and rough terrain. It is divided into
two functional parts – the living one and the atelier, because it had to be
convenient for an artist and his work, but also for his family. Oldřich Starý,
the architect, solved the situation by setting each of the parts in different
high levels, so he created a little trace of Raumplan.
We simulated the fitting to terrain by a volume model,
where are also apparent the two functionally different parts – the pink one is
the living one and the grey represents the atelier.
Model of structure
The structure of the building is a combination of
column and wall system. I suppose that the architect wanted to keep the central
space opened and connected, so that is why he decided to use columns. The four
columns carry the front facade and equalize the terrain. We created a structure model to simulate the load-bearing construction and display the two
level principal of the house. (resource:
my own photos)
Served and serving space
right relation between these two spaces is very important for an arrangement
and function of the building. In this house, the serving spaces are situated in
one part of the ground plan in each floor. I draw a scheme to demonstrate the
system of these spaces in this building.
blue represents the served spaces and the red is for serving ones.
„served“ and „serving” spaces were firstly defined in detail by Louis Kahn. He
made effort to design the buildings so the serving spaces were fully functional
but also did not disturb the harmony of main spaces. The illustrious example of
his philosophy is the Kimbell Art Museum in Texas, where the serving spaces rhythmically
take served ones’ place. (see resources)
The spatial organization
very interesting fact about Sutnar House is that it is almost completely set in
a modular system 2 x 2 meters. I demonstrated this by a scheme set in the
construction model.
the second picture I would like to display the presence of the a dimension in various parts of house.
this picture I tried to represent the expected motions and fields of radiance
in consideration of the spaces’ character and their possible users.
the beginning, I dare to quote Matthew
Frederick again. He says:
,,Frame the view, it is not enough to show it.”
I totally agree, because it is so characterizing not only for the Sutnar House,
but for all the houses in Baba. They have almost all windows situated to
south-eastern side, to the beautiful panorama of Prague. But without a well
dimensioned window, it is just a landscape. In a frame, it is a masterpiece.
Most, CR (see resources) |
České středohoří, Lovoš Hill (see resources) |
Starý worked very studiously with the windows. Ribbon windows in the living
part are dimensioned in order to show 2/3 of landscape and 1/3 of sky, so they
create compact and harmonic picture.
I found most interesting was the little narrow window in the atelier, so I
focused my sketches on it. It is dimensioned for an eye horizon of a sitting
(working) person, so a standing one cannot see almost nothing. But when you sit
down, it is immediately clear where Ladislav Sutnar drew inspiration from…
This is an example of similar case, where the window
is situated to provide a picturesque sight for lying person. (Port Headlock Cabin, Washington, USA, see
these are my drawings explaining the situation in the Sutnar House.
two drawings represent the project of light in the living room and atelier.
Because all the windows are oriented to the south, the shadows have sharp edges
and the relatively small rooms seem to be more spacious and brighter.
my visit of the Sutnar House, I also sketched these two features:
The entrance to the terrace
element probably seemed interesting only to me, but I was a little amused by its
cheeky expression. It is absolutely function feature, but it looks like a symbolic
connection between the two levels and functional parts, or, in the more poetic
interpretation, like a periscope. Who knows, nautical symbols were very popular
in those years…
The entrance hall
is the sight I really liked a lot. The daylight from the left illuminates the
beautiful detail of the stair line. For me, this is maybe the most beautiful
element in the house. Kitchen in the backside.
The Conclusion
I am supposed to mention the most pertinent architectural features of the
Sutnar House, I probably say the house as atelier, gallery (related to
previous), two floor levels, ribbon windows… These elements are certainly very characteristic
and I am looking forward to work with them during the designing of my own
project, but I think that the real beauty and imposingness of this house lie in
small details, such as the line of the stairs, the play with the light or the
views and I would like to keep this philosophy in my future projecting.
The materials with no references to resources are all from my own
Skica s odstřiženým ateliérem, ta je výborná, jako analýza si vystačí sama o sobě!
OdpovědětVymazatDádo, zkuste se zbavit rámečku fotek. Návod zde a umravnit grafiku blogu (fotky stejně velké, na stejném místě, menší font, menší mezery mezi textem a obrázky, ...)
Výborný postřeh v názvu příspěvku i v dalších textech, exteriér, který až na druhý pohled vypovídá o interiéru.... popis a rozbor fasád, stříška, která sjednotí shluk oken okolo vstupu....dobře vybraná citace ze 100+1
Vtipný gif s hmotovým modelem, kde nakonec ateliér zase zmizí.
Pozor, construction je v angličtině spíš structure, pillar zase spíš column.
Referencí, Kahnem, si nejsem úplně jistá, klidně by se analýza bez ní obešla, je to hodně zkratkovité a vztah s vilou na Babě by chtělo dokázat i v půdoryse, nevím, zda by fungovalo.
Výborně znázorněná analýza výhledů z oken, včetně postřehu o rozdělení obrazu na harmonický poměr třetin. Skica osvětlení a schodiště s komentářem.
Myslím, že vaše volba, ad poslední obrázek, se začíná pěkně rýsovat!